KIDS FOR KIDS – Me and my classmates at the Sishya School, Adyar, Chennai are raising awareness and funds to transform the lives of children who come from financially stressed homes. These children come from homes where parents are maids, daily wage workers etc. They are in grades 5 to 12 (English Medium & hence not subsidized by the Govt) and study at the Gen. Cariappa School in Chennai and many are unfortunately unable to pay for their fees and other costs for a year. They are supported by the NGO - Guild of Service, Chennai. The costs to fund a child's education for an entire year is just INR 10000.
Through this campaign, I am raising INR 20000 INR to fund the education of 2 students for an entire year. This is being done in partnership with an NGO - GUILD OF SERVICE, based in Chennai.
Read on to discover how.
The NGO Guild of Service is Chennai based. Guild of Service is one of the oldest social service organizations in India. The primary focus of the organization is education to all. Working in diverse areas such as general and vocational educational, home for the destitute, mentally and physically differently-abled, health, welfare, and rehabilitation; the Guild of Service reaches out to the economically weaker sections of society especially children and women.
Most of the students are first-generation school-goers from Below Poverty Line families and many works part-time to supplement their family income. The effort of these students coupled with that of the school has helped many students break the barrier of financial and social background. Today, there are over 850 students studying from classes Std VI to XII and need funds to nurture these kids.
Please fund this campaign and lets together transform the lives of needy kids from the villages and economically stressed homes. Since GUILD OF SERVICE is an NGO any funding is eligible for 80G tax benefits.
Your funding can impact and change the lives of students like him.
This is the only way for them to get out of the vicious cycle of poverty.
My name is SUNDESH KUMAR and I am in Grade 11 at the Sishya School, Adyar, Chennai.
I have undertaken this campaign because I think being able to impact the life of a needy child (who possibly is my age or younger) by funding their education for a year would be incredible. This is being done for students who study at the Gen Cariappa school at 1, Kamaraj St, Gandhi Nagar, Saligramam, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600093. This school has lots of kids who come from extremely poor homes. Many of the parents are unable to pay the entire fee for the year. The parents are daily wage workers, maids kids and most of them are illiterate. Their children can be the first ones to be educated in their family.
The cost of educating them is just INR 10000 per annum. Educating a child here holds the promise of them getting a job once they grow up. This will help them get their family out of the vicious cycle of poverty.
Please fund my campaign as a simple act of kindness on your part can have a profound impact on a child’s life. It will give them education, confidence, and a wonderful life.
As an individual, I am trying to raise INR 20000 to impact 2 children for a year by funding their education. Let us make a difference together. If we collect more fund’s we could together transform the lives of more children.
Established in 1923, Guild of Service is one of the oldest social service organizations in India. The primary focus of the organization is education to all. Working in diverse areas such as general and vocational educational, home for the destitute, mentally and physically differently-abled, health, welfare, and rehabilitation; the Guild of Service reaches out to the economically weaker sections of society especially children and women.
It spearheads and co-ordinates the progress and performances of over 22 units and projects in Chennai and 16 affiliates spread across Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, and Kerala. The affiliates are independent entities, which share the vision and mission of the Guild of Service.
Over the last 97 years, the various projects of the Guild have benefitted lakhs of children, women, and differently-abled from the economically backward sections of society by providing them suitable assistance to make them responsible and financially independent citizens.
We are raising fund to transform the lives of needy children from villages and economically stressed homes in Tamil Nadu. Once the campaign ends we will post an update to keep you and the funders abreast of the beneficiaries. Feedback will be given as a report with pictures and a fact sheet about the students who got benefitted.
Funding for this campaign is eligible for tax breaks as the NGO is a registered trust and you can avail of benefits under section 80G of the IT act. Foreign funding is accepted too.
To ensure that there is complete transparency I shall get a report from Guild of Service (this takes between 1 to 3 months usually after the funds are raised & transferred to them) telling me who benefitted from the funding. The details will then be posted on the UPDATES section of my campaign and will be in a format like the one below. As soon as I post an update, the platform will send an SMS and EMAIL alert to all the funders - i.e. to you. Click on the link on the email and you can read about which child benefitted. That's transparent right.
The below image is an example of the FEEDBACK FORMAT that we will be shared with all my funders.
Yes. After the money has been collected it will be transferred by Fueladream to GOS. It will take from 2 to 3 months after that to get details of fund use. Once I get this information from them I shall upload this on the UPDATES section of this campaign. You will then get an alert & can read details about the beneficiaries.
It takes up to 2-weeks after the campaign is closed for the monies to be transferred to NGO. The receipts will start getting processed about 4 to 6 weeks AFTER the campaign is closed and will be sent to you directly.
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