The most important resource for any country is its human resource. If the people of a nation are healthy and happy, then the nation is bound to thrive. Holding true to our motto ‘service before self’, DPS Gurgaon constantly strives to be involved in various projects related to the welfare of the community.
My fellow classmates and I from DPS Gurgaon are running a crowdfunding campaign to raise funds to create awareness amongst families who are economically weaker and are living in URBAN SLUMS and villages in and around Gurgaon. We will also be distributing wellness kits for families who attend.
We are part of a team named NIDAAN and are working with a group of doctors from Pre2doc. The funds will also be used to do camps to spread awareness, give a wellness kit and do some innovative marketing through a Flash mob, a talk on AIR, a happy streets event organized by TOI and more. A detailed breakup of costs is given below. The wellness kit includes a toothbrush, toothpaste, inch tape, alcohol hand rub, comb, handsoap, hand towel, and a first-aid kit. The chief causes for NCDs are lack of exercise, poor diet, stress, alcohol, and smoking addiction. They account for and are the major cause of this. 40-50 percent of premature deaths that are caused by NCDs are preventable.
The school is associated with tGELF, the Global Education and Leadership Foundation, with a singular intent to educate and spread awareness about the good health and well-being of an individual, the third Sustainable Development Goal of the United Nations. The target group for the initiative is the economically weaker sections of the society in the rural and urban areas.
These are the approximate estimates of the costs involved.
My name is DHRUV KHORANA and I am in Grade 11 at DPS, Gurgaon. I am part of the NIDAAN team.
NIDAAN is a social outreach initiative by DPS Gurgaon that aims to be the trigger event to pave the way forward in making the vulnerable population of India, fit and productive and create awareness about diabetes, heart disease and hypertension in the lower socioeconomic strata. We are doing this in collaboration with Pre2doc, a preventive healthcare startup that has a former DPS student at its helm of research. This campaign aims to raise INR 18200 and impact 70 families by providing them with wellness kits and educating them on good hygiene.
The objective is to have a healthier generation of Indians.
“Nidaan - the way forward, hopes to bridge the gap between the rural and urban population living in urban villages of Gurgaon. This young team of enthusiastic students wants to pave the way for a healthier village community that understands the importance of existing health risks and adopts well-being practices on this journey together.”
Nidaan is an initiative of DPS Gurgaon. 30 students of the 11th grade make up the core team of NIDAAN. Team NIDAAN is running a crowdfunding campaign in collaboration with Fueladream. The funds raised will be utilized to distribute wellness kits to the community, walking sticks for the elderly, spreading awareness on the importance of preventive healthcare through print media. This will help those who are economically challenged to avoid falling ill or managing a possible future illness better. The objective of Nidaan is to bring a change in the everyday lifestyle of the community and help in building a fit nation.
Team NIDAAN will be trained by Pre2doc Lead Research, Dr. Farah on the intricacies of data collection, survey administration, behavior change communication in order to bring about a much-needed change in the villages of Kanhai and Jharsa in Gurgaon.
India is headed towards an impending loss of productive life for its working population due to the rise in chronic lifestyle-related diseases. These are diseases that can be easily prevented if risks such as physical inactivity, poor diet, addictions, and stress can be stopped at the appropriate time. The fact that every 33 seconds an Indian is lost to heart disease should make us sit up, and take stock of the situation of existing health risks and how these can be avoided.
Pre2doc is a preventive healthcare and well-being platform that caters to empowering people with knowledge of health risks related to lifestyle. They have a well-being model created for out of hospital settings and aim to make the Indian workforce healthier and more productive. They began their journey in August 2017 and have now worked with many institutions, schools, foundations, and corporates for employee and student well-being. Their community well-being programs are customized to the vulnerable population and they are extending voluntary scientific expertise to the DPS Gurgaon Nidaan Project.
The outreach for the Nidaan project will be in the form of a cascading model for the school community of DPS Gurgaon, Primary Government Girls School in Jharsa and Kanhai, Shiksha Kendra and the labor at the construction site near their school.
Funding for this campaign is eligible for tax breaks as CHAMPA DEVI JAIPURIA CHARITABLE TRUST is a registered trust & you can avail of benefits under section 80G of the IT act. Foreign funding is not accepted.
To ensure that there is complete transparency I shall get a report (this takes between 2 to 4 months usually after the funds are raised & transferred) about who has benefited from the funding. The details will then be posted on the UPDATES section of my campaign. As soon as I post an update, the platform will send an SMS and EMAIL alert to all the funders - i.e. to you. Click on the link on the email and you can read about who benefited. That's transparent right.
Yes. After the money has been collected and transferred by Fueladream to CHAMPA DEVI JAIPURIA CHARITABLE TRUST. It will take from 2 to 3 months after that to get details of fund use. Once I get this information from them I shall upload this on the UPDATES section of this campaign. You will then get an alert & can read details about the beneficiaries.
It takes up to 2 weeks after the campaign is closed for the money to be transferred. The receipts will start getting processed about 4 weeks AFTER & and will be sent to you directly by email.
Crowdfunding in India is a relatively new concept & is growing very quickly. It is a concept that allows a large number of funders (like you) to fund an idea or a Cause or Event by giving small amounts of money online. is a crowdfunding platform in India that allows for such pooling of funds. You can fund innovations & ideas on FuelADream and be the first to get these products or make them come true. You can also do a good turn by funding charities and causes through crowdfunding. When you fund a charity it’s more like a donation & you get small innovative rewards like a shout-out on an FB page or a thank you email.
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