Outreach clients and their families across cities are daily wage workers who earn through agriculture and other seasonal informal engagements. The livelihoods have been impacted due to loss of absolute income. Other problems include having to practice precautions despite the loss of jobs, incoming poverty, overcrowded households, worry about rent due, inability to access subsidies that they are entitled to etc. This is worryingly making them part of a transitional homeless population, increasing combined mental health risks. Over the last 27 years, we have been working towards establishing significant access to mental health services across areas of need. However, adoption of proven public health measures to suppress transmission is proving to be costly, resource-intensive and complicated.
The Banyan has started direct benefit transfer to clients who are daily wage labourers and aftercare clients coming from families that have no means of sustenance at this hour of need.
My name is AMITESHWAR PALAINVELRAJAN and I am a Grade 11 student at the CPS global School in Chennai.
I am extremely distraught by the way COVID-19 has affected millions of lives and livelihoods around the world. It is shaken the world of millions of people, especially the vulnerable sections of society, who work day in and day out just to bring food to their families. Due to the situation, they are put in, where they do not have a source of income, I feel that people from the more privileged sections should rise to the occasion to lend a helping hand to people who are in need. I request everyone to support me in this venture and help people who are in dire conditions. It is time to mitigate their sufferings.
The Banyan is a non-profit organisation established in 1993, with the objective to restore neighbourhood care capital through emergency and community-based mental health interventions aiding individuals on their parts towards emotional and physical well-being. We work in the states of Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra and Kerala servicing a population of 2 million low-income households and homeless people. Our program sites are divided into three main approaches (below) and are executed by multi-disciplinary teams consisting of doctors, psychologists, social workers, nurses, peer workers, healthcare workers and personal assistants.
Emergency Care and Recovery Centre (ECRC) I'm Mogappair has been accessed by over 3,000 homeless people with mental health issues, of whom three-quarters have satisfactorily transitioned back to their families throughout India. Here people access emergency and critical care services and are provided food, shelter and clothing alongside health, reintegration and aftercare services. The Shelter we run in partnership with The Corporation of Chennai operates similarly for homeless men with mental illnesses.
NALAM Is a community mental health programme which is delivered through grassroots mobilizers. They identify psychological distress, offering referrals, counselling, clinical care, home visits, home-based care and social entitlements such as citizenship documents, loans, pensions, employment, etc. In Tamil Nadu, these are offered across 15 service access points in Chennai and Thiruporur districts, reaching out to a population of approximately 7 lacs. Till date, more than 10000 individuals have accepted these services with a current active registry of over 2,000 individuals.
Funding for this campaign is eligible for tax breaks as THE BANYAN is a registered NGO & you can avail of benefits under section 80G of IT act. Foreign funding is accepted too.
The receipts will start getting processed about 4 to 6 weeks AFTER the campaign is closed and will be sent to you directly.
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