Thousands of daily wage labourers are impacted because of COVID-19. While the government will provide some of them with relief packages we need to understand that the task is massive. Many are not registered, are migrant labour and need our help to survive this crisis.
Funds from this campaign will be utilized in Mumbai.



My name is Amrita Hemchand. I am 16 years old and in Grade 11.
The lockdown imposed to curb the spread of coronavirus has affected all of us but especially has had a big impact on the underprivileged, most of who have lost their jobs and struggle to even eat 1 meal per day. They are starving and struggling to make ends meet.
With the help of the Mansa organization, I have selected the Tardeo area to distribute the rations. I aim to raise 25000 or more to feed 42 families, which amounts to around 168 people. I feel that making a difference is imperative, no matter how small. Apart from providing the people with essential food, I will also educate them on how to take care of themselves in these unprecedented times of Covid-19. None of us expected this worldwide pandemic that has caused drastic changes in everyone's lives. With your support, we can help the starving inhabitants of Mumbai survive.


Established in the 1950s by Late Padma Shri Vithaldas Hakamchand Shah, with the purpose of breeding Kankrej Cows, an indigenous Indian breed local to the area.
The Trust aims at:
Contributing to the self-sustainability of the village, Mansa;
Providing the village with unadulterated fresh nutritional desi cow milk; and
Nurturing and nourishing our Gomata, the holy cows throughout their lifetime.
During the COVID-19 lockdown we have been providing ration packs to underprivileged families in Mumbai.
Will we get to know the details of the students who benefitted?
I shall upload the details of the beneficiaries on the UPDATES section of this campaign. You will then get an alert & can read about the details of the beneficiaries.
How does crowdfunding work?
Crowdfunding in India is a relatively new concept & is growing very quickly.
It’s a concept that allows a large number of funders (like you) to fund an idea or a cause or event by giving small amounts of money online. Fueladream.com is a crowdfunding platform in India that allows for such pooling of funds. You can fund innovations & ideas on FuelADream and be the first to get these products or make them come true. You can also do a good turn by funding charities and causes through crowdfunding. When you fund a charity it’s more like a donation & you get small innovative rewards like a shout-out on an FB page or a thank you email from the beneficiaries.