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Help Us Build Wells In Remote Villages Of Odisha
Help build water wells in 2 remote villages of the backward district of Kandhamal,Odisha. Will impact health and avoid long walks for women.
INR 1,20,500
GOAL INR 1,70,000
Accepts funds from Indian Passport / ID holders only.
Campaign ended.

To contribute any amount without rewards.

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Started from 11/05/2018
Ended on 12/07/2018
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This is a crowdfunding campaign that is raising funds to build two wells in two villages in Odisha. They will be dug in the remote and backward district of Kandhamal. Each village gets one well.

Some stark realities of Kandhamal

Kandhamal is one of the most backward district of India and in Odisha state.

The people group live here are called the Kui Tribal community. They consist of 90% of Kandhamal total population of 8,00,000 (appx)and mostly live in villages and hamlets. 10% of people from other nearby cities and areas moved here and live in small town and big villages for commercial activities. 

Pic : A typical village in this area.

Facts about water and its impact on these tribal villagers

  • They source water from ponds, creeks & canals
  • These involve a lot of to and fro in terms of walking everyday
  • During summer these sources dry up leading to a search for water and longer walks
  • There is a high incidence of water borne diseases as these are not clean sources
  • Impacts babies and pregnant women very severely.

Details of the well and images of the same:

* Each well costs just INR 85000 to build

* Each well is 40 feet deep.

* Will take about 15 days to build once work starts

* The ground here is a mix of hard and soft soil.

This is how the well looks. (INTERNAL VIEW)

A typical well – EXTERNAL VIEW


85000 INR builds one well and 170000 INR builds two wells in remote villages of Odisha.

Tax benefits:

By funding this campaign, you are eligible for tax breaks. You can avail benefits under section 80G of the IT act. Foreign funding is accepted. If you are an Indian living abroad or a person holding an Indian passport you can EASILY fund this campaign.

Where are these wells going to come up in Odisha?

Map showing the location of the area which will benefit from your funding.


What are the costs of building a well?

The cost of each well is INR 75,000. Cost breakup is as follows

  • Digging cost for 40-foot depth in 4-feet radius –Rs. 38,000
  • 4-foot concrete well ring cost for 44 feet -Rs. 12,000
  • 3-foot platform around well ring and support wall for top 3 feet well ring - Rs. 12,000
  • Transportation expenses of materials, etc. -Rs. 3,000
  • Travel, supervision, management, reporting and administrative cost -Rs. 10,000
  • Including crowdfunding costs, total cost is INR 85000

Images of a typical village in this area

      Villagers here earn only 500 to 1500 INR pm through farming.

About us: The Good Samaritans

The foundation for The Good Samaritans was laid in Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu, India in 1977 by Emil Jebasingh and Ananthi Jebasingh. With the help of like-minded friends like, Prof. Jeyam Navaraj, Dr. Prince Vedaraj, Mr. & Mrs. Albert, Mr. R. Jeyaraj and Mr A Stephen extending a helping hand for the cause of the poor. This movement gained momentum. The Good Samaritans was Registered as a Society on the 12th February 1979 in Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu, with Emil Jebasingh as its founding Chairman.

The vision of Good Samaritans is – Uplifting the underprivileged by involving the privileged.

It is our mission – To identify the hopelessness of the economically poor, to take initiatives to restore them to confident living by teaming up with similar minded individuals and agencies, maintaining transparency and integrity.

Through the years we have,

  • Started a Sewing and Tailoring Centre in 1979 to help the underprivileged and give them a vocation to earn a livelihood.
  • Type-writing Centre started in 1980 with 9 needy students
    Today 277 of students have passed out of the center with certifications.
  • Computer Centre started in 2002 with a 1 year training course in Computer with 8 students
    Today 169 needy students have completed the course and have been helped with placements.
  • Constructions: Constructed 110 houses in 1979 for the Fire Victims in Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu.
  • Relief and Rehabilitation: Participated in Relief and Rehabilitation work in Gujarat when the Earthquake (7.9 Richter scale) struck on Jan-26-2001 (Republic Day) 8 am. Constructed 231 houses for the Earthquake victims of Mathak village, Alwar District, in partnership with Gujarat State Government.
  • Houses for Kandhamal riot Victims: We have constructed 2741 houses for the Kandhamal riot Victims in the State of Orissa who lost their houses in the 2008 riots.

We have earlier done two crowdfunding campaign for solar lamps and have raised funds and executed delivery of these lamps as per schedules agreed upon. So we know this area well and are able to make a difference to the lives of the tribals here.


What are the crowdfunding charges?

Fueladream charges 2% for the payment for the payment gateway and 7% as crowdfunding charges. With GST the total comes to 10.62%. There is also an initial fee of 3000 INR which is being waived for us. 

How does crowdfunding work?

Crowdfunding in India is a relatively new concept & is growing very quickly.

It’s a concept that allows a large number of funders (like you) to fund an Idea or a cause or event by giving small amounts of money online. Fueladream is a crowdfunding site and platform in India that allows for such a pooling of funds.

You can fund innovations & ideas on FuelADream and be the first to get these products or make them come true. You can also do a good turn by funding charities and causes through crowdfunding. When you fund a charity it’s more like a donation & you get small innovative rewards like a shout-out on a FB page or a thank you email from the beneficiaries.

Monthly Updates have been committed to after the campaign ends.
This is an open forum for all funders of this campaign.
Other registered users can send their comments/ queries directly to the campaign owner as a message.

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6 years ago
INR 5,000
6 years ago
INR 5,000
6 years ago
INR 5,000
6 years ago
INR 1,05,000
6 years ago
INR 500

Click to claim

INR 1,000
Thank you Message on Whatsapp
Thank you for your contribution. I will send you a 'Thank You' message on Whatsapp.
CLAIMED 0 Out Of 25
Delivery date: 06/2018
INR 2,500
A Facebook Shoutout
Thank you for your contribution. You will receive a Facebook shoutout as a gratitude.
CLAIMED 0 Out Of 15
Delivery date: 06/2018
INR 5,000
Thank you Phone call
Thank you for your contribution. You will receive a 'Thank You' phone call from me.
CLAIMED 0 Out Of 10
Delivery date: 06/2018
INR 10,000
All of the above (Thank you on Whatsapp, FB & a Phone Call)
As a funder so huge, you will receive all the above rewards - a 'Thank You' message on Whatsapp, a Facebook Shoutout, and a personal phone call from me.
CLAIMED 0 Out Of 5
Delivery date: 06/2018