FACTS: Hole in the heart, congenital heart disorders are ailments that affect children at birth and at a young age. Heart surgeries performed on children cost typically between INR 2.5L to 5L depending on the case and complexity.
Read on to discover how. Am doing this crowdfunding campaign in partnership with the Rotary Bangalore Indiranagar, Needy Heart foundation, and the Jayadeva hospital. The team at Rotary are able to get these surgeries done at a much much lower cost of around 1.2L INR. Government subsidies and a 30000 INR plus funding from Rotarians will take care of part of the costs. We need just 30000 INR to make a surgery happen.
Please fund this campaign and lets together save a young life and bring a smile to the parents and siblings of this child. This campaign has 80-G tax benefits as the receipts are issued by Rotary which is a non-profit.
The money raised will be given directly after the campaign ends to the Rotary Bangalore Indiranagar. They will then fund surgeries at the JAYADEVA hospital with Needy Heart Foundation and save the life of a poor child and share the details with me. I shall then send you an update about the child we have saved so that you know where your money has gone.
My name is SHRIYA BALA. I am in Grade 11 at the Vidyaniketan school in Bangalore. Me and my classmates got to know about crowdfunding and how we can help children who come from the economically weaker classes of society. It definitely sounded like something I would want to do as helping someone out is what any good human being should do. Like most teenagers, I love hanging out with friends, my music, sports and traveling. Films are my other passion. While all of us complain about how things around us need to improve, very few of us actually get to do something about it. It's all talk and no action. If you told me that we could actually save the life of someone, I would have been amused. But here I am now doing exactly that. I request you to fund a small amount (big amounts are welcome too) and lets together make a difference. The fact that a heart surgery can be done at such a low cost is another reason why I decided to do this campaign. I have undertaken this campaign because I don’t think children belong in hospitals. Doing this ensures that one more child gets a chance to go out and play rather than suffer at home. Further, I believe that healthcare is a basic necessity that should be available to everyone irrespective of their financial condition. Please also do spread the word on social media so that all those who believe in making this world a better place can chip in.
We are raising this money to cover the costs of their surgery & the smallest contribution you make will help save their lives. The funds from this campaign will be transferred to Rotary (since they are a registered NGO & you get tax benefits) & they will in-turn route it to the concerned hospitals. Once the campaign ends, regular updates will be posted to keep the funders abreast of which child received the surgery, the outcome of the surgery and the progress of the child’s condition.
Sri Jayadeva Institute of Cardiology Bangalore is a tertiary care autonomous institute run by the Government of Karnataka. Located on Bannerghatta road in Bangalore, it is a 600-bed hospital with state of the art facilities. Presently, it serves close to a 1000 patients on a daily basis. The key person at this hospital is Dr. C.N Manjunath (Director and Prof Cardiology) They have conducted over 3000 Open Heart Surgeries, 10500 Coronary Angiograms. 4000 other procedures including Angioplasties and Valvuloplasty have also been conducted in the hospital.
Funding for this campaign is eligible for tax breaks as the hospital is a registered trust & you can avail of benefits under section 80G of the IT act. Foreign funding is not accepted.
To ensure that there is complete transparency I shall get a report from the hospital (this takes between 1 to 3 months usually after the funds are raised & transferred to them) telling me who benefitted from the funding. The details will then be posted on the UPDATES section of my campaign and will be in a format like the one below. As soon as I post an update, the platform will send an SMS and EMAIL alert to all the funders - i.e. to you. Click on the link on the email and you can read about which child benefitted. That's transparent right.
The below image is an example of the FEEDBACK FORMAT that we will be shared with all my funders.
Yes. After the money has been collected it will be transferred by Fueladream to Rotary Bangalore Indiranagar. It will take from 30-90 days after that to get details of who the beneficiary child was with details of his/her parents, picture etc. Once I get this information I shall upload this on the UPDATES section of this campaign. You will then get an alert & can read details about the beneficiary.
Fueladream charges 2% for the payment for the payment gateway and 10% as crowdfunding charges. With GST the total comes to 14.16%. Nett off all these fees - you still get to save the life of a child. There is also an initial fee of 3000 INR which is being waived for us.
It takes a week after the campaign is closed for the monies to be transferred. The receipts will start getting processed about 2 to 3 weeks AFTER the campaign is closed and will be sent to you directly.
Crowdfunding in India is a relatively new concept & is growing very quickly.
It’s s concept that allows a large number of funders (like you) to fund an Idea or a cause or event by giving small amounts of money online. Fueladream is a crowdfunding site and platform in India that allows for such a pooling of funds.
You can fund innovations & ideas on FuelADream and be the first to get these products or make them come true. You can also do a good turn by funding charities and causes through crowdfunding. When you fund a charity it’s more like a donation & you get small innovative rewards like a shout-out on an FB page or a thank you email from the beneficiaries.
Hey! I'm Shriya Bala, in 11th grade from Vidya Niketan. With your help, I want to save a needy child suffering from a heart ailement. Help me reach my goal!
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