Schooling is the easiest and most impactful tool to bring children who come from needy homes out of the vicious cycle of poverty. This crowdfunding initiative of mine is a campaign that is being done by me and my fellow students at the Inventure Academy at Bangalore to raise funds, that will help educate such children. This will help them build careers and live a life of substance.
My aim is to raise 25000 INR to fund the education of a child who is being taken care of by the SPARSHA TRUST for an entire year. The Sparsha Trust is a Bangalore based NGO which has been championing the cause of kids who come from poor homes by running a shelter and taking care of all their needs – from food, to stay, to medical expenses and their schooling. The cost of their shelter, food, medical care etc is extra. I am just focusing on their schooling.
Let’s together transform the lives of children like Nandini. It would be a delight when the kids we fund start working and build their lives. The pictures below are of the 60 students who go to the English medium schools.
Hi. My name is Anaaya Ravishankar and I study in Grade 8 at Inventure Academy. A few weeks ago, we met the children from Sparsha Trust. These were children who’d been abandoned by their parents, or came from extremely difficult homes and were now studying to make something out of themselves. They were lucky to find shelter at the Sparsha Trust.
Amazingly, I didn’t see just sadness or pain in these children, there was pride and the will to survive, learn and grow. I saw warriors. I made up my mind to help them. Supported by my school, I’d like to ensure these children get the educational opportunities they deserve.
We take education for granted. It is not the same for these children. I’d like you to join me in transforming the lives of these children and building a better future for them. I’m raising INR 25,000 so I can support 1 child for an entire year. I will then continue and raise the next INR 25,000 because there will always be one more life I can save.
Please support my goal to ensure these children have access to the basic right of education. No contribution you give me is too little, contribute as much as your heart feels compelled to do so.
The map below highlights the location of our school, the NGO and the 3 schools that these students go to.
Through its various projects, Sparsha is transforming the lives of children, helping them to live a life of safety, security and dignity. Sparsha also provides opportunities for the children to do their best. While some of these projects are residential in nature, others are day-care projects and open shelters. At open shelters, children have the option of spending the day in the center and may choose to stay the night or return to their homes. As a result, for the first time in their lives, from morning to night, the children are able to study, play, eat, express themselves and sleep without the fear of becoming victims of neglect or abuse.
This campaign had 80G tax benefits for all Indian funders. This campaign accepts funds from holders of foreign passports.
To ensure that there is complete transparency the team at SPARSHA will post feedback about 2months after the campaign gets over telling us which student has benefited from your funds. The details will then be posted on the UPDATES section of my campaign and will be in a format like the one below. As soon as I post an update, the platform will send an SMS and EMAIL alert to you. Click on the link on the email and you can read about which child benefitted. That's transparent right.
The below image is an example of the FEEDBACK FORMAT that we will be given to you who fund this campaign.
Yes. After the money has been collected it will be transferred by Fueladream to SPARSHA TRUST. It will take from 30 to 60 days after that to get details of who the beneficiary was with details of them. Once I get this information from them I shall upload this on the UPDATES section of this campaign. You will then get an alert and can read details about the beneficiaries. The report card will be given only at the end of the school year/ term and will be posted as an update.
There is a payment gateway fee of 3% (for both the Indian and foreign gateway). Fueladream charges 9% as crowdfunding charges. There is a GST component of 2.16%. There is also an initial fee of 3000 INR which is being waived for us. With all this, the funds we need to support one student for an entire year is still only INR 25000.
It takes up to 2-3 weeks after the campaign is closed for the monies to be transferred to SPARSHA TRUST. The receipts will start getting processed about 4 to 6 weeks AFTER the campaign is closed and will be sent to you directly.
Crowdfunding in India is a relatively new concept & is growing very quickly.
It’s a concept that allows a large number of funders (like you) to fund an Idea or a cause or event by giving small amounts of money online. is a crowdfunding platform in India that allows for such a pooling of funds. You can fund innovations & ideas on FuelADream and be the first to get these products or make them come true. You can also do a good turn by funding charities and causes through crowdfunding. When you fund a charity it’s more like a donation & you get small innovative rewards like a shout-out on an FB page or a thank you email from the beneficiaries
Other registered users can send their comments/ queries directly to the campaign owner as a message.
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