I am Tanishq Bhansali, We are a team VISHWARACERS BAJA, VIIT, PUNE and have registered for an ELECTRIC ALL-TERRAIN VEHICLE type of designing and manufacturing competition- e-BAJA organized by SAEINDIA. I am currently working in the BRAKES domain of our car. We do everything from Calliper and Disc selection to design the whole braking system. The manufactured vehicle undergoes certain tests in the competition i.e ENDURANCE RUN, Acceleration Tests, etc.
Paving through these tests and events we are looking forward to securing a top spot in the competition. Currently, we are done with the design of the vehicle and had presented it in front of the officials and got approval.
For the manufacturing of the vehicle we are a bit short on funds and we are looking forward to receiving some financial help for our team.I am raising an amount of INR 11,000. So, I request all the people who are reading this to donate as much as possible in this educational event where we as enthusiasts engineers can build our dream car.