[0] => Array
[id] => 269
[name] => Rain water harvesting in schools brings hope to Yadgir!
[type] => 2
[permissable_amount] => 0
[brief] => Kalike, a TATA TRUST initiative, is driving health & hygiene through this water & sanitation program in the schools of rural Yadgir.
[image] => https://fadcdn.s3.amazonaws.com/media/5434_269_campaign_card_Kalike_and_Tata_Trust_help_Rain_water_harvesting_in_schools_brings_hope_to_Yadgir_Karnataka_on_crowdfunding_in_India_Fueladream.jpg
[project_days] => 90
[limit_price] => 386000
[location1] => Yadgir, Karnataka, India
[city] => Yadgir
[is_effect] => 6
[staff_pick_image] =>
[random_gen_id] => 26980
[begin_time] => 2016-07-21
[end_time] => 18 Oct 2016
[fname] => Shivakumar
[lname] => D
[profile_image] => https://fadcdn.s3.amazonaws.com/defaults/default.png
[numberfunder] => 7
[fpi_transaction_status] => 1
[orgname] => Kalike
[fpi_hash_payu] => c920-3qk9-didn
[fpi_created_date] => 2016-07-23 20:14:12
[amt] => 500.00
[rating] => 8
[fl_id] => 5326
[fpi_amount_funded] => 13700.00