Hi, I am Ranjith of Class 11 of Sherwood Hall, Chennai. I am very much like the next door teenager you meet everyday. My pastime has always been playing basketball ,watching movies and youtubing. Am also sometimes the irresponsible teenager. But believe me when i tell you thats not what i do anymore. So this amazing team from Fueladream had a program at our school few days back and they totally changed my reality about cataract surgeries. They wanted us to learn and do a crowdfunding program, which is going to do wonders to elderly people in villages who are poor and desperately need a cataract surgery to regain their eyesight. The fact here is that all we need is only INR 1000 for a person. Amazing isn't it ! Therefore I request you to contribute and together we can light up their life. Please support my campaign and help the needy.