My name is Ahan Ghosh. I am 14 years-old a 9th Grade student at Delhi Public School, Mysore.
Welcome to our impactful campaign, "Gear for Growth," dedicated to ensuring every student has the tools they need for success. In low-income households, accessing essential school gear can be a challenge, hindering academic progress. Our mission is to bridge this gap and empower students with the resources vital to their education. By providing backpacks, notebooks, pens, and other essentials, we aim to foster an inclusive learning environment where financial constraints don't limit potential. Join us in creating a brighter future for these young minds. Together, we can equip students with the tools they deserve, unlocking doors to knowledge and opportunities. Let's champion education equality and inspire a generation through the "Gear for Growth" initiative!
I have undertaken this campaign because I was surprised to learn that many students from low-income homes in Karnataka, who go to school (mainly govt schools) do not have basic school gear like proper footwear or a school bag and often sit on the hard ground to study at school.
Sitting down on the floor for a long time means 9 in 10 students will face posture-related problems. It also has an indirect impact on their eyesight and their ability to concentrate and study. Lack of footwear also leads to foot-related diseases and health issues.
The back-to-school kit costs just INR 900 and gives students a pair of recycled footwear, a recycled study mat to sit comfortably at school or home and a recycled school bag for books. This is a very small amount to impact a student. Each kit costs just INR 900 including the cost of distribution. Fund INR 1800 for example and transform the lives of 2 students.
Please support my campaign and let us together impact the health, attendance, and grades of these fellow students. This kit also brings a big smile to their faces and gives them a lot of confidence.