Hey, I'm Ankush , and I dream to see all the people in this world living together in harmony. I would love to see my dream come true, to see a world in which everyone is happy. Walt Disney once said, "If you can dream it, you can do it", and these strong words help me to give more meaning to my dreams and decisions, they inspire me to do more.I think that everyone should try and support the 'Wall-O-Books' campaign, because this small help could make the lives of many unprivileged children better and also help to secure the future of our country, because it is the youth of a nation defines its working force and capacity.
I love reading books, and I strongly believe that every child should have the privilege to feel the happiness of reading a book. Books are what make us the people we are, they share knowledge from all around the world and instill the unobliterable morals and values that define us as people, in the social world.It has been scientifically proven that doing good for someone else reduces stress levels and makes us happy.Your small contribution can help make the world a better place