My name is Aarav Sapra. I am 17-years-old and in Grade 12 at the Pathways School, Gurgaon.
Having two parents to take care for you is a privilege. Having two friends, two caretakers, and two providers to care for you is a privilege. Having a roof over your head is a privilege. This privilege is not enjoyed by everyone in the world. Some children don’t have parents, others don’t have a roof over their head. Some have neither. Which is why I have undertaken this campaign.
I think being able to impact lives of infants and children by funding their, stay, food, education, clothes and medical care at PALNA is an incredible feat. PALNA (which means “cradle” as well as “nurture”) an initiative by DCCW is a home for children who are homeless and destitute.
I humbly request you to fund my campaign as a simple act of kindness on your part. It will have a profound impact on a child’s life. Your act of kindness will give them a bright future. Your act of kindness will give them the privilege they may otherwise not be able to enjoy. It may get them adopted and gift them with a loving family.
As an individual, I am trying to raise INR 30000 or more to impact a child for 2 months or hopefully more. Let us make a difference together. If we collect more funds, we could support more children at PALNA or the same child for a longer duration. Let us together give these children the privilege they deserve.