[0] => Array
[id] => 4301
[name] => From ragpicker to a world class contemporary dancer
[type] => 2
[permissable_amount] => 950000
[brief] => This crowdfunding campaign is to raise funds for something that will change my life and make my dreams come true.
[image] => public/project_assets/p4301/Campaign_Card.jpeg
[project_days] => 30
[limit_price] => 950000
[location1] => Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
[city] => Bangalore
[is_effect] => 6
[staff_pick_image] =>
[random_gen_id] => 43019
[begin_time] => 2018-05-07
[end_time] => 02 Jul 2018
[fname] => Anand
[lname] => Dhanakoti
[profile_image] => https://fadcdn.s3.amazonaws.com/defaults/default.png
[numberfunder] => 94
[fpi_transaction_status] => 1
[orgname] =>
[fpi_hash_payu] => FuSq-AQkg-e1M5
[fpi_created_date] => 2018-05-22 12:51:54
[amt] => 7000.00
[rating] => 8
[fl_id] => 131529
[fpi_amount_funded] => 975599.00